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Bucks Resident registrations

Important: This page is for Bucks residents only. If you are not curenttenly resident in a Buck postcode, please click here to go to the main registration page.

Register New Account

Account Information

Personal information

Postcode not valid. Please type a valid UK postcode format.

Not a Bucks council district postcode. This page is for Bucks residents only. If your need help registering please contact AES.

Postcode format matches Bucks Council disrtict postcodes. Please continue with your registration.

Additional information

I understand that in my capacity as a professional, I am not granted access to attend parent support groups.

Does your child have a diagnosis relating to neurodiversity

Are you likely to use this platform to support more than 1 child

Choose your membership level

Choose Your Payment Method

Please complete the postcode field to unlock this form